McLaren Greater Lansing Amenities:

At McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital, patients and guests will have access to various amenities during your visit, including:

  • McLaren Greater Lansing's cafeterias are open to the public every day.
  • Complimentary WiFi in public areas
  • ATM
  • Elevators
  • Lounge / Waiting Areas
  • General parking is complimentary, however, fees apply when utilizing the EV charging stations.
  • Coffee shop and Smoothie Bar open Monday through Friday to the public
  • Valet parking option

Gift Shop

Peppermint Gift Shop: The main hospital gift shop serves staff, visitors, and patients, selling a wide variety of gifts, jewelry, candy, flowers, balloons and sundries. Currently the gift shop is open 10am to 5pm Monday-Friday and is available to take phone orders. Please call 517-975-6910.

Spiritual Care

Chaplain coverage is available when requested.

If a patient prefers, we will contact his or her spiritual leader. Permission is required from the patient or patient's representative beforehand.


  • When you sign in at Patient Registration, mention any faith tradition, and the spiritual leader who you would like to visit you. Also, let your spiritual leaders know you are in the hospital if you desire their visit. McLaren's on-call Chaplain is always glad to visit you. You can request the chaplain through your RN, or by direct dial: (517) 975-6010.
  • The hospital chapel is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and is a welcome space to reflect or pray. This is an interfaith chapel; please respect the space as such and any others who are using it alongside you.
  • Prayers for specific individuals or needs may be left in the prayer bowl on the altar.
  • Prayer rug is available for those of the Islamic faith.
  • St. Mary Cathedral Outreach Mass on TV: The Outreach TV Mass is available every Sunday morning at 6:00 AM and 10:00 AM on the ABC channel. Check your local listings.

McLaren Greater Lansing Chapels offer quiet, private spaces

The McLaren Greater Lansing Hospital’s commitment to spiritual care in every faith is reflected in our chapel. The Sacred Space chapel is a silent space for prayer and meditation, no matter your religious faith or spiritual identity. The chapel is fitted with worship symbols and holy scriptures from a variety of religious traditions. Prayer stalls for Islamic prayer are in a designated area that faces east. A larger sanctuary is for other prayer and group use. The Chapel is located on the first floor, off the main lobby in the Outpatient Care Center. Look for the Sacred Space sign.

Our Chaplain

  • Chaplain Tricia Ware

    Chaplain Tricia Ware has served as a chaplain at McLaren Greater Lansing since 2014. She has worked for the Ingham County Health Dept. since 1995 as Health Center Manager. She earned her Master Degrees in Theological Studies and M.DIV at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary in Lynchburg Virginia. She completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Pine-Rest Mental Health Hospital in Grand Rapids, MI; three units of CPE residency at Covenant HealthCare in Saginaw, MI. She is a Licensed Ordained Minister with the Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith and Associate Pastor at The Bread House in Lansing. Chaplain Tricia believes in serving with a grateful heart.

Send an E-Greeting

If you would like to send a Patient Greeting Card to a loved one or a friend who is a patient at McLaren Greater Lansing, fill out the form below and click on "Send." A volunteer will print the card and deliver it.

Cards will be delivered within 24 hours of receipt (Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. only). If the patient has been discharged or if the card contains private medical information or other potentially embarrassing/personal information, we will delete it. Weekend cards will be delivered the following Monday.

This Patient Greeting Card is set up only to receive patient e-mail. Patients are unable to send outgoing replies.

This is not a secured page, however, all messages received are handled confidentially. In order to distribute the Patient Greeting Card a patient must agree to be listed on the Hospital Census when being admitted.

Choose from the dropdown of the 'subject' field to match the design below. Note: The 'preview' button will not display the paper.