Acute Hospital-Based Therapy

Rehabilitation Services within the Inpatient setting is provided by professionals who possess a depth and breadth of knowledge for patients who are acutely ill across the life span and multiple body systems. We use our clinical reasoning skills to evaluate patients with unstable medical conditions, consider surgical interventions, collaborate and communicate with other health care professionals and use an evidence-based approach for customizing treatment. Our evaluation results are critical in helping to create an optimal plan of care and identifying discharge considerations.

Our acute care Physical Therapists are experts in mobility and movement. They use evidence-based practices to treat any impairment that may interfere with or limit your mobility with a focus on improvement of strength, endurance, flexibility, motor control and stability. As treatment progresses, patients are weaned from supportive therapies and moved toward greater independence.

Our acute care Occupational Therapists are experts in identifying and eliminating barriers to independence and participation in daily activities. These include such activities and dressing, bathing, grooming and toileting. Interventions often focus on adapting the environment, modifying the task, teaching the skill, and educating the client and family.

Our Speech-Language Pathologists provide comprehensive, standardized evaluation services for patients that may be dealing with swallowing and communication disorders. Treatment plans will be developed based on patient goals and evaluation results. In the inpatient acute care setting, conditions that most often require services from our Speech-Language Pathologist include dysphagia, aphasia and screening for cognitive disorders.

While it is usually no one’s desire to require a stay in the hospital, if you require rehabilitation services while an inpatient at McLaren, you can be confident you will receive exceptional care from our devoted team of rehabilitation professionals.

Acute Inpatient Therapy for Orthopedic Patients

Following an elective orthopedic procedure, most often a Total Knee Replacement (TKR), Total Hip Replacement (THR) or Total Shoulder Replacement (TSR) your surgeon will likely refer you for Physical and/or Occupational Therapy before being discharged from the hospital.

These are 2 different specialty areas within the field of Rehabilitation and have a unique purpose that is different from therapy you may have received as an outpatient or while in a rehabilitation facility. In addition to pain control, safe and functional mobility is key to a successful discharge.

Physical Therapy is most often provided following a TKR or THR. Your physical therapist will teach you how to safely maneuver in and out of your bed, walk with a walker or crutches, go up and down stairs if needed, and how to perform your home exercise program.

Occupational Therapy is most often provided following a THR or TSR. Your occupational therapist will teach you how to perform your daily activities within the limitations of your total hip precautions or total shoulder precautions. These activities can include bathing, dressing, safe toileting transfers and how to get in and out of a car.

As each patient enters our facility with unique circumstances, the number of times you work with your physical therapist can range from one visit to four visits. Often times, you will receive additional therapy after discharge from the hospital. When that is the case, your acute care therapist will focus on preparing you for that transition.

Inpatient Based Therapy Locations Near You


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Parkinson's Support Group

2200 S. Lincoln Rd., Mt. Pleasant
Mt. Pleasant
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