
Feedback and Recognition

We value your input in helping us provide the best care possible. Make sure to complete the HCAHPS survey you receive in the mail. We use the results to improve our care and reward our staff for excellent service.

If you have a concern or an idea of how we can improve our services, we ask that you let us know immediately. Please contact the patient experience manager at (800) 248-6777 or ask to speak with a supervisor or manager.

Patient Advocate

If you have concerns about the care you are receiving, please contact your patient representative at: (231) 487-7843 or email northernconcerns@mclaren.org

Frequently Asked Questions

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Patient Complaint

If you have concerns about the care you are receiving, please follow the steps referenced here.

Thank Our Staff

McLaren Northern Michigan Foundation has a Guardian Angel Program that allows patients and their families to express gratitude for the care they received at McLaren Northern Michigan.

Thank Your Doctor

We think our doctors are the best and want to offer you the ability to email your McLaren Northern Michigan doctor a note of thanks. If you would like to thank a doctor who took care of you and /or a family member or friend, just fill out the form below and click "send."

Messages received will be shared with the doctor. "Thank a Doctor" is not confidential or secure, so please do not include information you do not want to be viewed by others.

Thank Your Doctor Form

*Indicates required information

Contact Information