Care Award Winners

McLaren Central Michigan employees who receive CARE (Customers Are Really Everything) Awards are nominated by a patient, visitor, or McLaren Central Michigan staff member or department for exceeding customer expectations. 

Jennifer Blackmer, RN and entire Perioperative Unit, Surgical Services
Jennifer Blackmer, RN and entire Perioperative Unit, Surgical Services

"Recently I had the opportunity to observe a patient in Same Day Surgery who was distressed. She was frightened for what the future would hold for her. One of our nurses, Jennifer Blackmer, spent a great deal of time with her, patiently letting her talk and calming her fears, all the while doing her nursing duties. It is something I see every day in that unit from every nurse who works with the patients. It's obvious the patients are their first and primary concern. They need to know how wonderful they are."

- Sue Karmon, MCM Volunteer

Josh Straus, RN-Emergency Department, ICU and Progressive Care Unit (PCU)
Josh Straus, RN-Emergency Department, ICU and Progressive Care Unit (PCU)

"Josh was wonderful with our dad. He was understanding, caring and very devoted to his job. He had to be in the room when our dad was at his worst and sat with him during the night. He gave excellent care to our father. We started with Josh in Emergency and when Dad ended up in ICU, we called at night and Josh kept us informed. Josh was then in PCU, and saw my dad at his worst. He was very strong and could calm my dad. We were very lucky to have Josh!"

- The Ted Latoski Family

Rachel Loose, RN-Progressive Care Unit (PCU)
Rachel Loose, RN-Progressive Care Unit (PCU)

"Rachel was so good to our dad, and had such a good way of communicating with him. She was very kind and compassionate; she made him laugh, and made us laugh, even at such a serious time. My dad had a stroke and we weren't sure if he was going to make it, but I feel the care that Rachel gave helped my dad each day. Her dedication for my dad made him stronger and made him want to recover. She's a very special nurse and we all felt very lucky we had her. She went above and beyond her job! She gave excellent care to my dad."

- The Ted Latoski Family

Teresa Warner-Housekeeper at Wellness Central
Teresa Warner-Housekeeper at Wellness Central

"Teresa went way, way, WAY above and beyond the call of duty at the Wellness Central Building. One of our patients reported a horrendous mess in the men's restroom. When Teresa came in for her shift, we brought it to her attention. Within an hour, she had cleaned the restroom so it could be used again, and then cleaned it again to make sure she had everything sanitized. The whole time she had a smile on her face and never complained about the mess she had to clean up. Thank you so much Teresa!"

- The Staff of Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

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