McLaren Central Michigan - Main Number: (989) 772- 6700
Billing: (989) 775-7630
Central Scheduling: (800) 625-2736
Medical Records: (989) 772-6754
Patient Experience Manager: (989) 779-5257
Patient Information: (989) 772-6700
Security and Lost & Found: (989) 772-6700
Case Management: (989) 772-6758
McLaren Central Michigan, part of statewide McLaren Health Care and a longtime comprehensive provider for the communities of Isabella County datin...
When should you go to the ER for the flu? With the 2024-2025 flu season being described as the “most intense” in 15 years, the US Centers for Dise...
At what point should a doctor evaluate headaches? Everyone gets headaches. They can range, perhaps starting as a dull pain before escalating to th...